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    Jim Harbaugh On Proposed Satellite Camp Changes: ‘It’s Got A Chance To Be Really Good’

    Jim Harbaugh discusses the NCAA's proposed satellite camp changes, stating "it's got a change to be really good ... the only negative is we'll have less fun."

    October 6, 2016

    Despite proposed changes that would greatly reduce the amount of satellite camps Jim Harbaugh could host and participate in, the Michigan head coach says “it’s got a chance to be really good.”

    Satellite camps were all the rage this past offseason, thanks in large part to Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh. However, that could all come to a screeching halt, at least in regards to how they looked in the past, with the latest proposal from the NCAA’s Division I Council. The Council is considering drastically reducing what coaches can and cannot do in regards to satellite camps.

    According to the proposal, camps “must be owned, operated and conducted by NCAA member schools and occur on the school’s campus or in facilities the school primarily uses for practice or competition.” In addition, camps would be restricted to 10 days during the offseason.

    Harbaugh views the proposal as a glass-half-full change. If more schools participate, the result would likely be net positive.

    “That would take away a lot of fun,” Harbaugh said Thursday morning on the Jamie and Stoney Show. “We did close to 50 last year and that was a lot of fun. Heck, if every school is doing 10, that would probably be more than what was done last year, so there’s a possibility that it’s a really good thing.”

    While it’s undoubtedly a recruiting opportunity for programs like Michigan, camps also provide the game of football with additional exposure. There’s also the potential for kids to receive first-class instruction and expose their skill-sets to colleges that may otherwise not be afforded.

    “The main thing is that football’s being spread, youngsters are getting opportunities to show what they can do.”

    The downside for Harbaugh? A little less fun not being able to travel the globe and broaden his and his team’s horizons.

    “Potentially, it’s got a chance to be really good, so I can’t say that’s a negative. The only negative is we’ll have less fun.”

    MORE: No. 1-128 College Football Rankings – Week 6


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