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    Jabrill Peppers Needs A Little Dating Help

    Jabrill Peppers apparently needs a little dating help. According to the Heisman candidate, he's having a hard time finding the right one.

    October 21, 2016

    Ladies, if you’re out there and “Heisman candidate” is one of the requirements on your dating list, there’s a guy who’s more than eligible – Jabrill Peppers. You may just have to deal with this whole spending time playing football and impressing the nation thing. You may also have to pass Jim Harbaugh’s approval, which, given how he conducts every other part of his life, probably isn’t the easiest the easiest thing to do. But it’s definitely worth a shot.

    Patience, Jabrill, it’ll come when it’s right. Can’t force true love. And if it doesn’t ever come, you can always go the Jesse Palmer route and hit the Bachelor.

    MORE: Jabrill Peppers Makes His Case For The Heisman


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